Saturday, August 21, 2021

How To Build Easy, Quick, High Profit Passive Income Streams


By: Passive Income Expert & North America Launch Team Leader W.K.Little

Dreaming of early retirement? Maybe earning enough money to cover your needs and a few more of your wants? Yeah, those are some great dreams—and they’re well within reach IF you can start thinking bigger than just the income that comes along with your nine-to-five.

Now, I'm not talking about taking on another job.

RELATED: The Proof That You Need Your Own Home Based Business in 2021 AND Beyond!

We’re talking about 
passive income.

So lets answer the question, what is passive income? It’s a way to earn steady money with little to no daily effort.

Note that I 
didn’t say no effort at all. Earning passive income is not a sit-on-your-butt-and-make-fast-money gig. You’ll need to put in the work—at least on the front end.

Some passive income ideas—like building a Blog or a Massive Growing Team or Learning to Invest in Real Estate CORRECTLY—take time (and sometimes money...though in the case of Real Estate it most certainly DOESN'T & SHOULDN'T be Your money) to get up and running. But if you play your cards right, AND follow proven effective Mentors, they WILL eventually earn you money while you sleep.

Why Build Passive Income?

Your income is your greatest wealth-building tool—a tool that typically requires you to clock in five days a week. Even if you love your job, I'm willing to bet you wouldn’t mind earning some extra income without the blood, sweat, tears and time commitment of another job. Here’s what building Passive Income Streams can do for you:

  • Increase your wealth
  • Allow you to retire early
  • Protect you from a complete loss of income if you lose your job
  • Provide an additional source of income if you outlive your retirement fund

How Much Money Can I Make?

Passive income won’t make you wealthy overnight, so forget about any get-rich-quick schemes you’ve heard of. But steady and profitable passive income options can build some serious money over the long haul. We’re talking anywhere from a few thousand dollars to hundreds of thousands of dollars—depending on which option you go with.

How to Build Passive Income

Passive income can be built in so many ways, if we were to list them all, you’d be here all day. So, we’ve narrowed it down to six solid options to earn passive income:

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1. Invest in Real Estate

One way to build passive income is to Invest In Income Producing Real Estate. But before you buy rental property, pay off your own home first and purchase your investment property with cash. Don’t ever go into debt to buy rental property.

RELATED: No Cash, No Credit: How to ALWAYS Leverage Other People’s Money in Real Estate Investing

It’s also worth saying: A rental property can be a great source of extra income, AND A GREAT Passive choice, when done correctly . You’ve got to market it and keep up with maintenance and cosmetic updates if you want it to work out as a source of income. It takes time and effort deciphering how to rent out the property and how to manage it—but you hire a property management company to handle all of that.

Don't know how to do that, don't worry, my  Business Partner & I will show you step by step how to excel as a Real Estate Entrepreneur using OUR Money!

RELATED: Raising Private Capital: Building Your Real Estate Empire Using Other People's Money

One of the most important steps to remember when building your own real estate empire is to use other people’s money. 

And my Business Partner & I are  going to be teaching you how to structure and present your deals to predisposed investors, exactly the same way we've done for 100's of other folks for years

2. Start a Blog/YouTube Channel

If you have a brilliant idea that appeals to a specific audience, you could create something like an educational blog or a YouTube tutorial series that doesn’t require constant new material to generate online traffic. If your content is engaging and it sees enough daily traffic, you could sell ad space on your blog or ad spots on your channel. After you put in the heavy lifting, you can sit back, relax and enjoy streams of passive income for every set of eyeballs that watches your content. Not bad!

Now, keep in mind, some forms of passive income are less passive, aka more work than others. There’s a lot of competition out there in the digital space, so even though you don’t have to go out and spend a quadrillion dollars on cutting edge technology and advertising to get attention, you do need to update your content on a regular basis to keep getting looks.

That could mean adding brand-new videos and posts or you could just update the keywords and outdated details from time to time. But no worries, just subscribe HERE & my team & I will walk your thru the simple, proven, profitable process

3. Sell Digital Products

If you’ve discovered how to create content that produces enough traffic to host ads, think about how you could turn that content into a product. It could be anything from a simple e-book or meal-prep guide to a complete online course or an app.

Get Creative

You could also sell something that taps into your creative skills. For instance, if you’re a good photographer, sell stock photos on sites like Foap or create preset photo editing filters for people to download. If you dabble in music production, license your tunes and sell them to YouTubers and podcasters to use for their content.

And writers: Self-publishing options abound and several of them, including Kindle Publish Direct (KDP) are free. If you have some marketing skills and good pals who’ll spread the word plus (sorry, but this just needs to be said) your books are actually a decent read—then go for it! You could still see royalties trickle in years down the road. Hooray, you will have just created passive income!

Teach What You Know

With learning sites like Udemy, you can use your expertise to create a course on their platform. Once it’s published, it doesn’t require any additional maintenance from you, and you get paid when people take your class. It’s a low-output way of making some extra cash and helping people. That’s like a win-win . . . win.

4. Use Affiliate Marketing

Have you ever bought something really awesome and gushed about it to your friends, family, co-workers and the store cashier? You think to yourself, Man, I should get paid for all this advertising. Well, it’s a thing! And it’s called affiliate marketing.

To put it simply, affiliate marketing is when a company pays you money to publicly brag about their products. If you’re on social media, you’ve probably seen hundreds of people doing this by posting a special link or discount code under a photo of them using a certain product. You can get some great FREE Training using

This link=> https://Tinyurl.comBestAffiliateTraining4Newbies  

Now this doesn’t mean that you can just hashtag your favorite running shoes on Twitter and expect to get paid. The companies you know and love have to have an affiliate marketing program for you to get paid for it, and you would need to apply to become a part of it. Sites like LinkShare can help you find and connect with those affiliate marketing programs. Amazon, eBay and Target are just a few of the hundreds of companies that offer affiliate marketing programs. While you don’t have to be an influencer with thousands of followers to be an affiliate marketer (although, that would help you make more money), there are criteria for you to get into the programs. For example, Target’s answer to “who can become a Target affiliate?” is “any website operator that runs a family friendly website and has mainly US-based viewership.”


Getting paid to drive your own car? It doesn’t get any easier than that! If you don’t mind slapping a giant logo on your car (or maybe wrapping the entire car or riding with one of those big cans of soda on the top), sites like Wrapify will set you up to get paid for using your car as a mobile billboard.

Here's a great example:

Sure, you might lose some cool points for driving a slightly ridiculous-looking vehicle, but you’ll win easy money—without sacrificing time, effort or investment. The average person who does a full wrap on their car makes about $264–452 a month for driving to places they already need to go to. That’s not half bad!1

RELATED: Why Smart People Make Big Money Mistakes and How to Correct Them: Lessons from the Life-Changing Science of Behavioral Economic

Car-wrapping pro tip: If you live in a subdivision, check to see if it’s okay with your HOA. Getting fined might outweigh the potential profit. Seems crazy, but it's true.

You  can even use your car to help build your own High Volume , High Profit Business like this=> 

This last one, #6, RIGHT NOW is probably the quickest, fastest way to begin to build a massive Passive Income Stream...

6. Build A Passive Income Business With APLGO

RELATED=> The APLGO Independent Review

Passive Income Tips 

Like we said, the list of passive income ideas could go on forever. As you search for the best fit for you, you’ll want to ask yourself these questions:

  • Do other people make money doing this?
  • Which passive income strategy would I be best at?
  • Does this idea show a positive long-term track record?
  • Has this idea ever come back to bite someone who tried it?
  • How much time will this actually take me after the initial setup?

Don’t fall for any passive income ideas that promise a quick return or require huge amounts of money up front—like vending machines or opening a laundromat. Things like that require way too much time and money to be considered passive and could ultimately sabotage your financial goals. 

In other words . . ., creating Passive Income/Real Estate Investing using Business Models like this one => & this one=> are 2 of the best ways to improve your financial situation REALLY QUICKLY!!!

Don’t fall for any passive income ideas that promise a quick return or require huge amounts of money up front.

Build Wealth That Lasts

Did any of these ideas for building passive income spark your interest?

NOTE: In fact starting a Home Based Business is THE Best Tax Avoidance, Lowering Strategy For ANYBODY as This Book=> 475 Tax Deductions for Home Based Businesses and Self-Employed Individuals: An A-to-Z Guide to Hundreds of Tax Write-Offs explains.

So by now you're probably ready to get a clearer picture of how to build wealth quickly , easily and without wasting time, effort, energy or money? 

If that's you, we've got you covered...

If you want us to help you set yourself up for the greatest chance of creating massive Passive Income Success QUICKLY, then simply  become a Partner with us in The Best Big Money Side Gig to Hit North America in 20Years

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