Friday, October 9, 2020

Why Negative Ions Are So Good For Your Body

Why Negative Ions Are So Good For Your Body

In modern life, the air quality is deteriorating with decreasing negative ions and increasing positive ions. This is due to air pollution from various sources i.e. fumes from vehicles, electromagnetic waves/radiation from the broad usage of electronic equipment such as mobile phones, computers etc.

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When there are too many positive in the air, we experience physical discomfort and chronic diseases, such as anxiety, insomnia, headaches, allergies, respiratory issues, fatigue, sleep issues, skin conditions, seasonal effective disorder and so on, which are called civilization diseases.

Therefore, we need to leave the city jungle full of concrete and machines for places where there is nature where there is an abundance of negative ions, to rest and relax so that the negative and positive ions in our bodies can restore to a normal state. This allows the body to get into the right balance to heal itself. If we can reduce positive ions and increase negative ions in our bodies as far as possible, we can become healthier.

How do negative ions enhance your bodies natural defense mechanism?

Most diseases are related to the imbalance of the immune system. Therefore, enhancing immunity has a major concern to modern healthcare. The best way to protect ourselves from diseases should be to focus on how we can improve our own health and not how on how advanced the current medical technologies and research are. The immune system is made up of the innate immunity system and acquired immunity system.

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The innate immune system consists of our skin, mucosa and their secretions, phagocytes, protective proteins and natural killer cells (NK cells) etc. Phagocytes eliminate pathogens by ingesting them while NK cells can kill infected or mutated (such as cancer cells) cells. The acquired immune system contains T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes. They are the cells that recognise attack and destroy invading bacteria and viruses.

Negative ions can improve our immune system by strengthening our immunity cells, making them more energetic, healthy and therefore enhance their ability to destroy the pathogens. Negative ions can also speed up the production of antibodies by the lymphocytes, increasing the number of antibodies in our bodies. With a strong immune system, we will be less prone to falling sick and even if we do, we will be better equipped to destroy pathogens and improve recovery time.

RELATED: Why Negative Ions Have Such A Positive Effect On The Human Body

How do negative ions activate the cells?

Every cell consists of 3 parts i.e. the cell membrane, plasma and nucleus. The cell membrane has small openings for cellular nutrients to enter, a specific channel for protein and some antennae for sensory and cell defence. Cell plasma serves as the factory of nutrients for the cell and the nucleus serves as the control station of the cell, responsible for the cell’s replication, inheritance and regeneration. There are many kinds of cells in our bodies and all of them have their own specific function.

The cells in charge of our body’s defence are called immune cells and they consist of lymph cells and white blood cells. Since the immune cells are in charge of protecting the human body, why does diseases still happen? In some conditions, it may be because of a large number of pathogens (bacteria or virus).

RELATED: How Negative Ions Produce Positive Vibes

Combined with a weak physique (especially in a person with an acidic constitution or hereditary deficit), cells may be easily attacked and injured. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that we keep our cells healthy. Negative ions activate and enhance cell activities by;

1. Increasing the permeability of the cell membrane. This facilitates waste removal and nutrient absorption, keeping cells healthy.

2. Facilitating substance exchange across cell membrane through re-activating the Na-K
pump to restore nutrient and waste exchange in an acidic constitution.

3. Promoting oxygen absorption by the cells through the increased oxygen carrying capacity of the red blood cells.

Negative ions of oxygen are really the vitamin of the air!

RELATED: Best Negative Ion Air Filtration Systems For 2020

The best bet for people with  allergies and/or allergic asthma is to try to eliminate exposures,. "If you can't, or if you still have symptoms, then medication is the next step and fortunately we now have excellent medications, and a company like APLGO who have mastered the science of putting high quality negative ions in great tasting Candy Vitamins" .

RELATED=> The APLGO Independent Review

As we end this informative review of The Proven Health Benefits Of Negative Ions it's only fitting that we leave you with this:

adult vitamins geared towards specific health benefits.

BRN to help you cognitive functions

RLX for sleep and relaxation

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SLD for joints and movement

Plus 11 more specific hard candy vitamins from APL you can click HERE to learn more.

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