Friday, October 9, 2020

How Exposing Yourself To More Negative Ions Can Have A Positive Effect On Your Health

 How Exposing Yourself To More Negative Ions Can Have A Positive Effect On Your Health

Just about all the air you breathe has some quantity of ions. Ions are charged particles in the air; some negatively charged (Negative Ions) and some positively charged (Positive Ions) but, the definitions of “positive” and “negative” are misleading in terms of their health effects. When it comes to ions, a positive is negative and a negative is positive.

 What are Positive Ions?

Positive ions are small molecules that have gained a positive charge. Most forms of pollution, toxic chemicals, pet dander, pollen, mold, and other harmful chemicals in the air carry a positive electrical charge, making them positive ions.

Having high levels of positive ions in the environment can lead to a host of ailments. This is because we are surrounded by positive ions from electromagnetic fields generated by computers, cell phones, and other electronic devices which can impair brain function and suppress the immune system causing symptoms such as: anxiety, breathing difficulty, fatigue, headaches, irritability, lack of energy, poor concentration, nausea, and vertigo.

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Unfortunately, in today’s society, there are significant quantities of positive ions in the air, much more than what our ancestors had to deal with. They are especially problematic in cities, office buildings, and industrial zones.

What Generates Positive Ions?

In nature, positive ions are commonly formed by strong winds, dust, humidity, and pollution. They  are at their highest levels just before an electrical storm. In general, anything that’s toxic or has electromagnetic capabilities will generate harmful positive ions.

RELATED: Why Negative Ions Have Such A Positive Effect On The Human Body

Office air-conditioning systems, fluorescent lights, cell phones, televisions, computers, toxic carpeting, upholstery, paint, and air pollution are all potent positive ion generators, with printers and photocopiers being especially bad.

The environment we live in today has far more sources of positive ions, creating an electrical imbalance in the air and our bodies.

What are Negative Ions?

Negative ions are the opposite of positive ions and they have the opposite effect on your health, mood, and energy levels.

RELATED: How Negative Ions Produce Positive Vibes

We inhale negative ions in environments such as the ocean, mountains, forests, and waterfalls. Once they reach our bloodstream, negative ions are believed to produce biochemical reactions that increase levels of the mood chemical serotonin, helping to alleviate depression, relieve stress, and boost energy.

What Generates Negative Ions?

Negative ions in the air have a strong negative charge. They are statically attracted to airborne particles like dust, mold spores, pet dander, and other floating pollutants and potential allergens.

By attaching to these pollutants and allergens they give them a negative charge and, rather than drifting in the air, they are grounded and fall to the floor or nearest surface.

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Negative ions make your body feel recharged and rejuvenated. The reason you feel so refreshed when exposed to negative ions is because of the significantly higher negative ion concentrations in the breathable atmosphere.

How to Increase Negative Ions in your Environment

The easiest way to experience the benefits of negative ions is to spend more time outdoors. Expose yourself to places with very high concentrations of negative ions such as:

  • Dense forests (especially pine forests)
  • Mountains
  • Parks
  • Waterfalls
  • Springs
  • Go outside after heavy rain and storms
  • Beaches

But traveling to the great outdoors isn’t the only way to get high concentration of negative ions. Along with spending more time in nature, here are some other creative activities you can do to generate negative ions right in your home or office environment:

1 - Use a negative ion generator.

RELATED: Best Negative Ion Air Filtration Systems For 2020

2 - 
Operate a Himalayan salt lamp wherever you spend a good deal of time in your home. They counteract the electronic vibrations and excessive positive ions caused by electronic devices in the home.

3 - Burn
 beeswax candles. They clean the air, produce negative ions, and assist with allergy and asthma reduction.

4 - Run an
 indoor water fountain. The force or energy of falling water causes the neutral particles in air to split which frees electrons to attach to other air molecules resulting in negative ions.

5 - 
Have tourmaline crystals nearby or wear them. Tourmaline is believed to convert moisture from the air to negative ions.

6 - 
Surround yourself with plants. They clean the air by taking in carbon dioxide and breathing out fresh oxygen and many negative ions. Some plants release higher levels of negative ions than others (best choices are chrysanthemum, coconut palm, gerbera, and spider plant).

7 - Sit in front of bon- or hearth-fires. They creative negative ions, too.

8 - Walk barefoot outdoors.

9 - You may also want to consider a 
negative ion wristband or a magnetic bracelet which can help reduce positive ion levels in the body.

RELATED: Best Negative Ion Bracelets For 2020

Negative ions are essential to living properly and making an active effort to make sure you are getting a vital amount can make a difference. In terms of your wellness, a little exposure can go a long way.

The best bet for people with  allergies and/or allergic asthma is to try to eliminate exposures,. "If you can't, or if you still have symptoms, then medication is the next step and fortunately we now have excellent medications, and a company like APLGO who have mastered the science of putting high quality negative ions in great tasting Candy Vitamins" .

RELATED=> The APLGO Independent Review

As we end this informative review of The Proven Health Benefits Of Negative Ions it's only fitting that we leave you with this:

adult vitamins geared towards specific health benefits.

BRN to help you cognitive functions

RLX for sleep and relaxation

HRT for a health heart and those who may have a family history of heart complications.

SLD for joints and movement

Plus 11 more specific hard candy vitamins from APL you can click HERE to learn more.

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